From the introduction:
December 1994... When a single person loses a job or is forced to temp for a living, it's a problem. When the New York Times announces that the largest single employer in the US is Manpower Temps, well then, you're talking about millions of employees and millions of problems. (page vii)
Business wants nothing to do with the maintenance of its workforce... The pact is no longer between worker and employer, rather it's between employer and middleman in the form of the temp agency...
American corporations are betting the bank that working people will accept temp work as a reality... Working people tend to focus blame solely on themselves for their economic situation...
Temp Slave!... was meant as a personal documentation of my own frustrations... it filled a void for the kind of working people who were frustrated enough to put into words their frustration with their work lives...
The writing comes from the gut, the street level of personal experience...
Fearful of being blackballed by employers, I wrote my stories under the alias 'Keffo"...
If you express viewpoints counter to prevalent thought the you can expect disapproval of your work...
Some thought it extreme. Others made light of what they termed the continual 'whining' expressed by contributors... the so called whiners had every right to express their displeasure. After all, just because you are forced to eat a shit sandwich does not mean you have to like it too.
I am justly proud of the contribution Temp Slave! made on the issues of work life in 1990's America. This book is dedicated to all the working people out there struggling for a better life...
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